Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Way!

It is unusual for us to get even one "sticking snow" a year. You will recall we already got one back in December (the one that killed my vegetable garden in one fell swoop!). We got another, much bigger one today! It is the biggest February snowfall in 50 years, and the biggest Central Mississippi snowfall period for 13 years! Here is what we woke up to:

Otis enjoyed tromping around in the snow and eating it!

The bradford pears defied their reputation and held quite a bit of weight in snow without breaking a single branch. I wonder if this snow will hurt the flower buds that were already forming?

We had some sizable pine limbs down, but luckily none on the house:

Having grown up north of here (in Chattanooga), Scott is a PRO at making snowmen. I never knew about this rolling technique!

Our rotund 'man boasts coal eyes, a Vols hat, and zombie arms:

Scott's rolling revealed the depth of the snow - 4+ inches!

The snowman's pet snow-kitty:

The bird-feeder looked more like a Smurf house today:

Happy Winter!


Phillip Oliver said...

Wow, it is beautiful. It totally missed the north part of Alabama but snow is predicted for Sunday. I'm glad you guys farther south got to enjoy it!

Randy Emmitt said...

Great snowmen and snow kitty. Does seem strange for your area to get so much snow.

We just got 1 1/2 inches our THIRD snow event this season, unheard of here! The driveway in the shade still had 3 inches for 2 weeks ago.

Lisa Blair said...


I'm in Oxford this week, and I missed all of the snow down our way. I can't believe it!

Love the snow kitty!


Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

So pretty! Looks like you all had fun out there. Cute picture of you in your hat :)

Shady Gardener said...

Way to go! Your photo looks like our yard (and that's a normal phenomenon here). However, you're doing exactly what you should do... making lemonade out of lemons! Love the snow man and kitty. :-)

Seriously, I hope you're trees, etc. won't suffer too much damage.

Jan said...

Hi Ginger, I somehow haven't gotten to know you, and I hope to do something about that! How fun was that snow for you guys?!?! It's been a crazy winter all over the place, that's for sure! We used to have a cat names Otis! Hope you don't have plant damage...everything will probably be ok. (I say that, 'hopefully', of course)! Take care, Jan

Susie said...

It was beautiful, wasn't it? Love the kitty snowman.

KMG said...

Ya'll had too much fun! You know I like that Vols hat. ;-). I posted a what I'm doing in the snow post on my new Blog. I haven't given up my blogger blog but am a glutton for punishment so I added a blog to my web site too.
I don't know about you, but I'm ready for all this to melt. It is snowing like crazy here today - again!

Dig, Grow, Compost, Blog said...

Ginger, I kept meaning to drop by to see if you posted on the snow as well. Wasn't it fun? I can see in your first photo how lovely all the trees look. That's what struck me about the snow we got. Good snowman and I love seeing Otis eating the snow!

Re: the rosemary that blooms - mine have always bloomed and all I do is give them well drained soil and sun. They don't usually bloom much in the summer though. I never feed them. The blooms are small so maybe you just missed them?? (I doubt that.) Sorry I can't help you more with that problem!

Jim Groble said...

enjoy the snow while it lasts. great pics. jim