Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fall flowers and pumpkin carving 2010

Butterfly weed is one of the few plants that bloomed straight through the summer heat (with occasional wilting) and is still going. Gotta love that! I've read that monarchs will chew this plant to the ground, but it hasn't been an issue for me. We don't see too many monarchs here.
Every summer, I wonder why I put up with this gigantic, floppy, green aster.... then it blooms! I remember when I started this from a 3" pot three years ago (and the mexican bush sage behind it and the purple coneflower to the right at the same time) - I sure wish everything I planted would flourish like this! Not sure if it's the plant, the proximity to a downspout, or just luck.
You may remember this post from last year about me and Scott's yearly pumpkin-carving festivities (usually involving my brother and/or my friend Katherine). Katherine is still in Iraq, but we got together with my brother a couple of days ago for the 2010 carving fest.
Here is my happy little monster, and Jeremy's creepy skull.

As usual/always, Scott's pumpkin is the most impressive!
I read that you could brush petroleum jelly or vegetable oil on the cut parts to make it last longer. Not wanting for petroleum products to end up in the compost pile, we used the oil. It appears to have worked pretty well to prevent the cut parts from drying out.
Happy Halloween!


Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Great pumpkins again this year!! I need to get a few Butterfly Weed. I love the bold color and the number of Monarchs I have seen in our area this summer is amazing!

Randy Emmitt said...


I have frost Asters (weeds) that go crazy here. Other asters not from around here just don't like it here. I think your aster has found a home. Loved the skull pumpkin.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I always think the same thing about Asters, and then they bloom like crazy.
We still need to carve our pumpkins, nothing like waiting til the last minute :) I love the monster.

KMG said...

Totally awesome pumpkins! I didn't carve one this year but I did buy weird colored ones and warty ones to save seeds from. My brother & I will try to grow some next year. I want more asters for my yard. Mine have bloomed all year.

Cindy/Mom said...

Happy Halloween!
I always love to get to see the annual pumpkins creations, almost as much as the annual Easter eggs. They are always so creative and interesting!
I agree that this year Scott's is the most impressive -- it must be all of the McCallie School art classes -- or that I am prejudiced!! Eiterh way, nice job.

Lisa Blair said...

Wow - those pumpkins are great! Y'all are very talented. Mine always look like a 3rd grader carved them.

Anonymous said...

Great job, everybody! The oil seems to have worked on Jeremy's pumpkin.

Love the butterfly weed!

Susie said...

Hey Ginger,

Hope you are still feeling good.

Loved the pumpkins.